Latest News | January 19, 2017
RAINN Experts Gear up for 2017 with Bipartisan Supporters

 RAINN and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are gearing up to address sexual violence and strengthen laws that hold perpetrators accountable for these crimes in 2017.

Latest News | January 12, 2017
Insights from the Hotline Room: Self-Care in the New Year

Support specialists from the National Sexual Assault Hotline share tips on practicing self-care in the new year.

Latest News | December 12, 2016
Want To Meet the Cast of Sweet/Vicious? Donate to RAINN

MTV's Sweet/Vicious takes an new appraoch to talking about campus sexual violence. Now you can enter to win a viewing party with the stars of the show.

Latest News | December 01, 2016
Congress Passes Justice for All Act; Heads to the President’s Desk for Signature

In a political climate defined by party divisions, there was a bipartisan win for survivors of sexual violence this Thursday, with the passage of the Justice for All Act Reauthorization Act of 2016. The Act will expand resources to prevent and respond to crimes of sexual violence.

Latest News | November 28, 2016
What Has RAINN Been Up To?

A recap of RAINN's work in 2016, for our new supporters and longtime friends


Tips for Interviewing Survivors

As journalists continue to cover stories related to sexual assault or abuse, it can be helpful to have a better understanding of how to interview survivors of these type of crimes.
