Latest News | January 30, 2014
National Sexual Assault Hotline Helps Record 150,139 People

Online Hotline usage up as more men reach out for help

Latest News | January 29, 2014
Act With RAINN in 2014

2014 is off to a busy start for RAINN's Public Policy Department. Learn what we’re working on and how you can help!

Latest News | January 15, 2014
Speakers Spotlight: Stalking Awareness Month

To bring attention to the crime, survivors Katy, Diane and Marianne are speaking out this month, which is National Stalking Awareness Month.

Latest News | January 07, 2014
RAINN Joins National Effort for Online Safety

Uses social media to educate survivors about data privacy

Latest News | January 07, 2014
RAINN’s Top Five Ways to Stay Safe Online

Releases infographics as part of National Cyber Security Awareness Month

