Latest News | May 12, 2020
This April, RAINN Recognized the Difference Friends and Family Can Make

This year during Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, RAINN focused on the vital role friends and family play in supporting survivors. “We hear time and again from survivors that the support they receive from those they’re closest to can have a huge impact on their healing,” says Heather...

Latest News | May 12, 2020
Musician and RAINN Supporter on How Men Can Help End Sexual Violence

"It’s one thing to show solidarity behind the scenes, but we need to be more vocal as men. The time for accountability has to be now, or else nothing will change. This is not a political issue, it’s an issue any decent human should care about." — Trapper Schoepp, singer-songwriter and member of...

Latest News | May 01, 2020
RAINN Response to Biden Addressing Tara Reade's Allegations

"We appreciate Vice President Biden finally addressing Tara Reade's allegations. These allegations deserve a rigorous investigation, and we urge Vice President Biden to release any and all records that may be relevant, including those housed at the University of Delaware, in addition to any Senate...

Latest News | April 30, 2020
RAINN Statement on Accusations Against Vice President Joe Biden

“We appreciate that some in the media have taken Tara Reade’s allegations seriously and urge that they be investigated fairly and rigorously. We also call on Vice President Biden to address the allegations directly and to fully cooperate in an investigation. As stories like this are in the news,...

Latest News | April 21, 2020
RAINN Releases Resources for Preventing & Responding to Sexual Violence in Temporary Medical Facilities During COVID-19

RAINN today shared with government agencies at the federal, state and local levels a new checklist of considerations for preventing and responding to sexual violence as they build and manage temporary medical facilities related to COVID-19. RAINN has created a central hub of guidance documents from...


Tips for Interviewing Survivors

As journalists continue to cover stories related to sexual assault or abuse, it can be helpful to have a better understanding of how to interview survivors of these type of crimes.
