Latest News | February 11, 2021
Working in the States to Champion Change

RAINN’s public policy team is working in key states in 2021 to improve support for survivors and champion changes in policy to help more survivors get justice. RAINN’s team of lobbyists is at work in five state legislatures: Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, and Virginia, partnering with local...

Latest News | February 11, 2021
Volunteers Line Up to Help During Covid Surge

Each year, thousands of survivors and their loved ones seek support from the National Sexual Assault Hotline (NSAH), where they are served bytrained staff and volunteers. As hotline demand has surged in the last year, so, fortunately, has the number of people stepping up to help. Hotline volunteers...

Latest News | February 11, 2021
Equipping First Responders To Help Save Children

When children are experiencing abuse at home, it’s often up to other adults in their life to see the warning signs and rescue them from harm. While mandated reporters such as teachers or coaches can only guess what goes on in a child’s life at home, first responders—EMTs, paramedics, and...

Latest News | February 11, 2021
Therapist on Listening to Survivors’ Needs

Each month, RAINN highlights a member of its National Leadership Council. The NLC is a group of dedicated individuals who have shown their commitment to RAINN’s mission of supporting survivors and ending sexual violence. This month, RAINN sat down with Stacy Kaiser, a Southern California-based...

Latest News | January 25, 2021
RAINN Announces National Partnership with Chi Phi Fraternity

RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization, is proud to announce a new national partnership with Chi Phi, the oldest American men's college social fraternity. “Chi Phi is pleased to stand with RAINN and their mission to provide critical support and resources to survivors of...


Tips for Interviewing Survivors

As journalists continue to cover stories related to sexual assault or abuse, it can be helpful to have a better understanding of how to interview survivors of these type of crimes.
