Latest News | December 13, 2013
Importance of Self Care During the Holidays: One Survivor Shares Her Story

Those who have experienced abuse or assault by a relative can find the holidays particularly challenging, as a family gathering means coming face-to-face with his or her perpetrator.

Latest News | December 05, 2013
Sen. McConnell and Rep. Wasserman Schultz Honored with RAINN’s Crime Fighter Award

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) are the winner’s of RAINN’s 2013 Crime Fighter Award, in recognition of their leadership in the fight against sexual violence.

Latest News | December 04, 2013
DoD Safe Helpline App Showcased at mHealth Conference

The award-winning app allows military Service members who have been sexually assaulted to create a personalized self-care plan to aid in their recovery.

Latest News | November 19, 2013
Instagram Retires #RapeFace after Hearing from RAINN Supporters

We want to educate our friends and families that using the term #rapeface is a not a joke. At RAINN, we recognize that those who have experienced sexual assault may have a long road to recovery.

Latest News | November 17, 2013
Spotlight on the Speakers Bureau: Angela Kempe

The Justice Department estimates that 1.6 million youth run away each year. One of the issues that many runaways face is sexual violence; this is why Angela Kempe is sharing her story now, during National Runaway Prevention Month.


Tips for Interviewing Survivors

As journalists continue to cover stories related to sexual assault or abuse, it can be helpful to have a better understanding of how to interview survivors of these type of crimes.
