Latest News | December 13, 2013
Importance of Self Care During the Holidays: One Survivor Shares Her Story

Those who have experienced abuse or assault by a relative can find the holidays particularly challenging, as a family gathering means coming face-to-face with his or her perpetrator.

Latest News | December 05, 2013
Sen. McConnell and Rep. Wasserman Schultz Honored with RAINN’s Crime Fighter Award

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) are the winner’s of RAINN’s 2013 Crime Fighter Award, in recognition of their leadership in the fight against sexual violence.

Latest News | December 04, 2013
DoD Safe Helpline App Showcased at mHealth Conference

The award-winning app allows military Service members who have been sexually assaulted to create a personalized self-care plan to aid in their recovery.

Latest News | November 19, 2013
Instagram Retires #RapeFace after Hearing from RAINN Supporters

We want to educate our friends and families that using the term #rapeface is a not a joke. At RAINN, we recognize that those who have experienced sexual assault may have a long road to recovery.

Latest News | November 17, 2013
Spotlight on the Speakers Bureau: Angela Kempe

The Justice Department estimates that 1.6 million youth run away each year. One of the issues that many runaways face is sexual violence; this is why Angela Kempe is sharing her story now, during National Runaway Prevention Month.

