Contribute Through Donor-Advised Funds

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charity.

Volunteer with RAINN

Support survivors by volunteering for the National Sexual Assault Hotline. RAINN will train you to provide live, anonymous crisis support to survivors across the country.

OHL Internship: Testimonials

Thank you for this opportunity to work for RAINN. This has been a wonderful experience.

Sexual Assault Service Providers

Interested in becoming a partner organization? Learn more about RAINN's affiliate and referral programs.

Planned Giving

 Bequests, life income gifts, and other planned giving arrangements provide vital support to sustain RAINN’s programs now and in the future.

Donate Stock

Gifts of stock are a valuable source of support for RAINN’s programs and services. Donating a gift of stock has significant tax advantages and offers many financial benefits, such as:

Donate Your Car

Donating your car is a tax deductible, cost-free way to help ensure that RAINN’s programs and services continue to improve and expand.

Honor Someone

Celebrate a loved one, mark a special occasion, or simply remind someone they are on your mind with a special gift to RAINN.
