RAINN’s Demonstrated Experience


RAINN has a demonstrated history of creating and operating successful national programs in the areas of victim services, public education, public policy, and consulting services. As a trusted advisor for more than 20 years, RAINN is uniquely positioned to provide guidance on best and promising practices.

Our clients operate in public, private, and nonprofit sectors across the country and include organizations from a wide range of industries: education, hospitality and amusement, federal agencies, and others. We work closely with each client to develop targeted, effective sexual assault prevention and response solutions that increase public safety.

For questions about RAINN’s capabilities and service offerings, contact ConsultingInfo@rainn.org.


What’s happening on campus?

Sexual violence on campus is pervasive. Each year, 11% of all undergraduate and graduate students experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation. Specifically, college-age women are at high risk for sexual assault. Among undergraduate students, 23% of females and 5% of males experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation. Read more statistics about campus sexual violence.

How can RAINN help?

As the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization, RAINN has the unique expertise to assist schools in creating programs for campus sexual assault education, awareness, and response. RAINN’s consultants have worked with public and private institutions of higher education as well as private boarding schools and study abroad programs to develop and implement innovative and sustainable solutions.

Our higher and secondary education partnerships have resulted in around the clock crisis intervention support via a tailored response hotline, detailed program assessment report with concrete, achievable recommendations for key campus climate and compliance improvements, as well as dynamic in-person or online training for students, faculty, and staff. We have worked with clients from large public and private institutions in a variety of school systems including universities and boarding schools.

Boarding and Day Schools

What’s happening on secondary school campuses?

Sexual violence also affects boarding schools and day schools. According to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey, which assesses both private and public schools, of the 69.1% of students nationwide who dated or went out with someone during the 12-month period before the survey, 10.6% reported experiencing sexual dating violence. The number was higher among female students (15.6%) compared to male students (5.4%).1

There have been numerous reports of educator sexual misconduct as well as student-to-student misconduct both in the past and in recent years. However, there is still no comprehensive national database to track sexual violence statistics for Institutes of Secondary Education (ISE).

To address the unique set of challenges sexual violence presents to boarding and day schools, the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) and The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) partnered in the summer of 2016 to form the Independent School Task Force on Educator Sexual Misconduct. In August 2017, the Task Force released a report titled, “Prevention and Response: Recommendations for Addressing Educator Sexual Misconduct in Independent Schools,” which RAINN’s subject matter experts reviewed.

How is RAINN positioned to help?

RAINN has the credibility and expertise to help ISEs support victims of past abuse and create a stronger way forward with best-in-class prevention and response programming. With a wide range of scalable consulting options, RAINN is able to provide full program assessments as well as targeted policy assistance and dynamic training for students, faculty, and staff.

Leveraging our one-of-a-kind technology platform, RAINN provides compassionate support, intake, and referrals to services paid for by the school through a tailored therapy line, which can be accessed by alumni abused while students. In addition to the therapy line, RAINN provides emotional support, crisis intervention services, and referrals to all members of a school’s community seeking support via a customized 24/7 hotline. Both the therapy line and hotline are branded as the school’s service; however, RAINN provides the staffing and secure technology. With RAINN, schools offer solutions that ensure all survivors receive the help they deserve, the moment they need it.

Hospitality and Amusement

What’s happening in hospitality and amusement?

As companies in the hospitality and amusement industries take an active role in sexual violence prevention and response, they are seeking experts in the field who can help them provide a safe, secure environment for their employees and guests.

Additionally, in 2010, Congress passed the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2010 (CVSSA) to address safety issues on cruise ships, including sexual violence prevention and victim response. CVSSA ensures that passengers have access to necessary resources to receive medical attention, undergo a sexual violence forensic exam onboard, and make a report. Learn more about CVSSA and RAINN's role in advocating for the Act

How is RAINN positioned to help?

RAINN has a proven track record of helping hospitality and amusement organizations establish and maintain sexual violence education, awareness, and response programs. RAINN’s consultants have partnered with industry leaders to develop and implement hotline services, targeted consulting, program assessments, and training in this sector.

Federal Agencies

What is happening in Federal Agencies?

The federal workforce is varied, including employees located worldwide. In the past several years, federal agencies have worked to create effective education and response systems for federal workers – especially those working in challenging and remote environments. RAINN has worked with agencies to help them think through complex problems related to accessible services and cultural variances to ensure all civil servants receive the care they deserve.

How is RAINN positioned to help?

RAINN has been recognized as a national leader in sexual assault education and crisis intervention services and asked to provide guidance by the Department of Justice (DoJ) on best practices for online and technology services on multiple occasions, including during the development of the National Victim Service Standards. In 2011, the DOJ’s Office for Victims of Crime recognized the National Sexual Assault Hotline as a model for using technology to serve victims of crime.

RAINN leadership served a two-year term as the chair of the congressionally mandated Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council for the United States Peace Corps. RAINN experts have also provided technical assistance for sexual assault support services to other national governmental agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security.

In addition, RAINN operates the DoD Safe Helpline through a contract with the Defense Department. Safe Helpline provides live, one-on-one support to sexual assault survivors and their loved ones within the DoD community online, over the phone, through an app, and via text. Safe Helpline services can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Finally, RAINN operates, through a contract with the Armed Forces Services Corporation and the United States Peace Corps, the PC SAVES Helpline that provides online, telephone, and texting service to Peace Corps volunteers and trainees.



  1. Kahn, L., McManus, T., Harris, W.A., et al. 2016. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance – United States, 2015. MMWR Surveillance Summaries, 65, No. SS-6. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/pdf/2015/ss6506_updated.pdf.

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