Did You Know RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotline is Available in Spanish?

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Finding resources after experiencing sexual violence can be hard, draining, and difficult. For survivors for whom English is not their primary language, it can be even more challenging. Lia-Marie Marmolejos, a bilingual senior shift manager on RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotline, explains that “many survivors feel by themselves on both the English and Spanish hotline but the language barrier for the Spanish hotline is a difficult component.”

Many individuals who do not speak English, or do not speak English fluently, may find it difficult when reaching out for help due to the many fears and barriers that come with discrimination, whether it be targeted at their race, sexuality, gender identity, or native language. Other barriers that Spanish-speaking survivors may face when accessing help include differences in cultural values and cultural beliefs, especially when it comes to seeking support.

In response to these unique needs, RAINN expanded the National Sexual Assault Hotline in 2015 to provide Spanish-language services, to help ensure that more survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones have access to free, confidential, anonymous, 24/7 support in their native language.

Claudia Bermúdez, a bilingual hotline shift manager, notes that that “we want to normalize talking about sexual assault and domestic violence in the Latinx and Spanish speaking community through our Spanish hotline because, as part of this community itself, we know that it is taboo for us to talk about this, but it is also so important to reach out for help. Unfortunately, that help may not be readily available for all within our support circles in the community, so it is important for us to be here and support Spanish-speaking survivors who do not have someone they can talk to but would still like to receive the support they deserve.”

On the hotline, it is important to note that staffers will never ask for details that personally identify a visitor, such as name, age, location, or immigration status. Spanish-speaking survivors do not have to fear deportation or retaliation when reaching out to the hotline, as everything shared is kept confidential and anonymous. Along with the confidentiality of the hotline, it is important to remember that the staffers at RAINN are there to offer you culturally competent support and a listening, non-judgmental ear.

There is also an option for users to search by state to identify and locate Spanish-speaking sexual assault service providers nearby, including organizations affiliated with the National Sexual Assault Hotline and other local providers. The staffers at these programs are dedicated to helping survivors in a given area and can help connect survivors with counseling, support groups, community education, individualized and practical welfare work assistance, shelter in case of emergency situations, and assistance for victims of crimes.

Jailisse Acosta-Hernández, a bilingual shift manager, notes that “being raised on survival does not mean you have to go through these things alone. It is okay to not be okay and it is okay to ask for help. You deserve to take up space and be supported too."

To talk to someone anonymously and confidentially 24/7 in Spanish or English, RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotline is available by phone at 800.656.4673 and can be accessed at rainn.org/es in Spanish or in English at online.rainn.org.

RAINN ofrece apoyo gratuito las 24 horas al día, 7 días por semana para los sobrevivientes de la violencia sexual y sus seres queridos. Para más, haga clic aquí.

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