NLC Member Highlight: Cameron Esposito

Each month, RAINN features a member of its National Leadership Council (NLC). The NLC is a group of dedicated individuals who have shown their commitment to RAINN’s mission of supporting survivors and ending sexual violence. This month we checked in with comedian, survivor, and artist Cameron Esposito.

Why are you passionate about ending sexual violence?

"As a systemic issue, sexual violence is a barrier to equality and autonomy. As a personal issue, sexual violence stays with survivors all life long. When we spend any time caring/advocating for, listening to and being in solidarity with survivors, we fundamentally improve the human race. It’s as simple and as complex as that."

Why did you want to be a part of RAINN’s National Leadership Council?

"I’m an artist, an advocate and a survivor. RAINN does the real, on the ground work that I cannot. It’s because of their work that I can do mine."

How has your passion for ending sexual violence influenced your art, advocacy, work, etc.?

"Art is meant to dismantle systems of power. Being honest about my experience with sexual assault and openly working to improve understanding and care feels like my only option as a conscientious artist. And I’m good with that."

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