
Latest News| Sep 17, 2024

RAINN Statement on Sean “Diddy” Combs N.Y. Grand Jury Indictment

In response to the charges of racketeering, conspiracy, and sex trafficking against Sean “Diddy” Combs, RAINN released the following statement: ...

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May 21, 2024

Pei's Story

She was 5 years old when a relative began sexually abusing her. For over four decades, she buried her pain. Then she discovered: she wasn’t alone.

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Latest News | July 14, 2015
Tornado Drills? Fire Drills? Why Aren’t We Also Teaching Kids about Sex Abuse?

Congress, RAINN, and one very determined advocate think it’s about time

Latest News | June 18, 2015
Senate Budget Writers Renew Call to Action on Rape Kit Backlog

Senate Appropriations Committee earmarks $166 million to address rape kit backlog.

Latest News | June 03, 2015
Lawmakers Signal They Won't Back Down on the Rape Kit Backlog

The House of Representatives this week agreed to increase funding...

Latest News | May 20, 2015
RAINN President Testifies on the Rape Kit Backlog

Berkowitz calls on policymakers to fund DNA testing in rape cases

Latest News | April 28, 2015
RAINN Policy Team joins Illinois AG to Spur Effort Against Campus Assaults

Summits focus on need for campus sexual assault legislation


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